National Plan for Vacation Day

January 27, 2020

How many vacation days do you get a year? On average, Americans are earning 23.9 vacation days per year, up from 23.2 in 2017. BUT they aren’t using them at the same rate —27.2% of paid time off went unused in 2018, up from 25.9% in 2017.



Don’t be one of those people that lost vacation days! Take today and get to planning!  Taking time off benefits Americans: it’s essential to a person’s overall wellbeing: it strengthens personal relationships, improves professional performance and promotes overall health and wellness. Additionally, these are days Americans have earned and when they are completely forfeited (236 million in 2018) they are losing a key benefit, amounting to $65.5 billion. In other words, Americans essentially donated an average of $571 in free work time to their employer.



We encourage you to use those vacation days! Come visit us in Jackson with some of them - we’ll even help you plan your trip! Just don’t waste your hard-earned days off. #PlanForVacation