Groundbreaking in Jackson-Madison county

Site Selection Services

For companies considering Madison County for business location or relocation, Team Madison County serves as a resource to streamline the site selection process and assists companies with support that ranges from identifying buildings and sites, to financing and workforce training, to providing research data and identifying qualified incentives. Services include: confidential access to local and state officials, real estate professionals, land and building owners, education officials, corporate executives, and other key contacts; Customized site and building tours; Facilitating incentives, agreements, and permit expedition.

We understand the importance and complexity of making a site selection decision for new business operations. We are here to serve as a resource for companies and site consultants during this process. We appreciate that each project is different, and we strive to provide customized data, research, and support for all projects, whether you are seeking to locate a small sales office, large manufacturing facility, or engineer the next life sciences breakthrough. 

What is driving your decision? Logistics, labor and talent, special real estate requirements, quality of life, taxes, being in an international region? Let our team provide the data and the connections to help you make an informed and successful decision.